Unpublished Letters to the Editor

email letters to  editor@longviewpaper.com

no letters are censored, all published

Dear Editor,
I have been poor most of my life.Tonight I thought of an invention that if I could market I would never have to work again.  It is a shock collar for politicians.  Every time they lie it would shock them.  For each time shocked they would have to put a nickel in a jar to be refunded to the taxpayers.  Even though it would take a significant amount of jars, we could use the money to pay for a new animal shelter, free internet for every citizen , ability to double the police and fire departments, pay all debts off and free city bus passes for life, and a new sign for former Councilwoman Willis, rather that the won that was purchased in the clearance section of Family Dollar.

Dear Editor,
The last three council meetings I have noticed a bit of arrogance by the Mayor during the Citizen Comment portion of the council meeting.  For instance, when he told James Martin, he needs to go cut some hair.  I can only assume the Mayor and the City Council have got drunk with arrogance and power after they city received the Obama money to remodel the train station.  Overnight they hijacked the remodeling and threw long-time volunteers under the train.   There would be no station to remodel if it wasn't for the Rabicoffs.   As I attended the ribbon cutting on Saturday, I notice the Mayor did not invite the Rabicoffs to participate.  Is he that taken over by his ego?

Dear Editor,
Every issue appeared to be handled very smoothly the last few years, until recently.  It is apparent that Longview is having a severe problem with leadership.  The Mayor talks and all the other council members remain silent on any controversial issue.  I can think of only one time, the last two years, where a councilperson has spoke out against an issue.  The whole council needs to go.  Please give us updates on who is up for re-election and any new people that may run.

Dear Editor,
Thank you Jesus that Kasha Williams won tonight.  At AlleyFest I noticed, no diversity and an all white line-up of entertainment.  My dream is her to verbalize this at the next city council meeting and work towards making next year more diverse.

Dear Editor, 

  The Longview City Council has been on a mission of naming things after living people.  When is the council voting on the naming of the animal shelter?  K.B.

                   Editor's note -  they probably won't, they just sort of do what they want                                            on those type of things.

Dear Editor, 

 I believe it is so sad that today I saw Longview Fireman on the loop begging for money.   They had boots in their hands holding them up to car windows stopped at red lights.  The city should treat them like everyone else and not require them to beg for money on the side of the street.  It's just not fair.  B.F.

Dear Editor,  The televised council meetings are what I love to watch the most.  I cannot understand when there are great injustices going on, such at TedGate and AmtrakGate, all the council members remain silent   I can only assume, they got caught with their pants down and don't know what to say.  B.G.

Dear Editor,  In 1977 High Times magazine article, Ted Nugent admitted to defecating in his pants, eating Viena Sausage and drinking Pepsi for two weeks to avoid the Vietnam draft.  When the issue of having Ted Nugent for entertainment on the July 4th celebration came up, former Marine Richard Manley remained silent.   Most Marines I know were and are greatly offended by Nugent's draft dodging.   D.S.