Questions & Answers

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Question:   When an elected official uses the quotes "we are moving on" or "we are moving forward", where did they come from and what do they mean?

Answer:   The quotes originated from President Obama, he uses the terms regularly. Both quotes mean one of two things,  1.  The elected official just told a lie or got caught in something they shouldn't have been doing. 2,  The voters and taxpayers just got screwed.

Question:  Where do you get our answers to any questions sent in?

Answer:   various sources

Question:  How often does the city council meet?

Answer:   Too often, the more work they do, the more damage done,  Longview is lacking any leadership at the present time, imo.

Various sources

Question:  How often does the city council meet?

Answer:   Too often, the more work they do, the more damage done,  Longview is lacking any leadership at the present time, imo.